Know THEIR Goals, Pain Points & Objections

Unlock hyper relevant, hyper concise and hyper interesting content that actually converts. 

The problem with B2B content? It’s boring as hell. 

75% of B2B buyers want branded content that helps them research business ideas, but 93% of brands focus their content on “marketing” their own products and services. MarketingCharts

B2B customers are more than 2x as likely to consider a brand that shows personal value over business value, because they perceive little difference in the business value between suppliers. Marketing Week

The takeaway is simply that most B2B buyers value and seek content that helps them solve challenges they’re struggling with and to better understand complex issues or new concepts. 

What they don’t want is an endless stream of crap that focuses on the services and faux values. Everyone’s doing it, so don’t lose sales by waffling on about how reliable and modern your services are.

I think of it as mapping out a company’s journey. Identify their goal(s), understand their pain points, figure out how best to present your solutions (tip: big all-in-one “we can do everything for you” offers aren’t the best) and what objections you’ll face when trying to sell to them. 

For example, we work with many IT and cybersecurity companies trying to grow beyond word of mouth and referrals; this is a massive turning point for any company, is often a much bigger journey than is initially realised because cold outreach – to be successful with it – requires investment into strategy as well as marketing and sales systems and processes.

Very few companies have explored any of this properly. They’re still using start-up assets without any systems or processes. 

A lot of these business leaders struggle with the theory behind B2B growth, setting realistic expectations and in what order they should tackle projects. 

Whilst they’re going through all of this, I know many of them will suffer with pain points around:

  • Switching from simple 3-6 month plans to sophisticated 12 month growth strategies 
  • Planning and running more than 1-2 projects at a time 
  • Understanding that lead nurture is just as important as lead generation
  • Defeating the overwhelm faced when trying to learn about all of marketing and sales 
  • Creating a fixed monthly growth budget to lower long term costs 
  • Overcoming the fear and anxiety caused by previous bad experiences with service providers 
  • Realising that underinvestment into growth is the biggest cause of failed projects 
  • Feeling confident enough to increase their investment without fear of everything going wrong 

Properly documenting the goals, pain points and objections of our ideal customers made it possible to create over 100 high value, super concise, short and long form content that we used to populate our weekly B2B Growth newsletter, social media and blog – we see great results from this. 

Need help building processes and systems to consistently create quality branded content that actually converts? Let’s have a chat.