Your Online Presence Needs You

What do people make of you and your company? How impressed are they and does it make them want to buy from you?

How much success have you achieved and can anyone trust the claims you make, online, in sales calls, in marketing collateral, anywhere. 

These are the kind of questions your online presence concerns itself with, but what are we talking about here? We’re simply talking about your: 

  • Logo
  • Website 
  • Social media channels 
  • Search engine presence

So many companies, especially in tech, try, but never really prioritise any of these things. So many have done a lot of it themselves, some have genuinely tried and hired someone to do a good job – but they rarely do. 

It’s a shame, because it’s probably hurting your sales efforts

Before or after the first sales call, people are going to be checking you out online and using what they see to form positive and negative opinions about you and your business. 

They bring these opinions with them onto sales calls, but they’ll rarely speak openly about them because it’s embarrassing to tell people things like “I couldn’t believe how shit your website looked!”. 

They’re not going to tell you, all you can do is say a bunch of credible sounding stuff and hope they’re impressed enough to forget about whatever gave them a bad first impression. 

Some common things that create negative opinions: 

  • Inactive social media channels 
  • Content littered with spelling mistakes and jargon
  • Very basic and/or DIY websites 
  • Inconsistent branding across channels 
  • No thought leadership content 
  • Unanswered bad reviews (even the ancient ones) 

I see a lot of companies suffering from all of these things 🙁

If you’re selling premium services, but can’t afford to get the spelling right on your own website, or it looks like it was originally designed 20 years ago, where’s the evidence that you’re making profit from your business activities? 

“It looks like they’ve not touched this website in 5 years… Can’t they afford to make it look a bit nicer and put some interesting content on it…?” people will wonder, before heading into a call where you’re trying to sell them services worth 5-6 figures. 

Your online presence needs you to invest to the point it matches the professionalism and authority you are able to generate in sales calls, so that leads you speak with have no reason to doubt your credibility or the claims you make. 

If you want to make sure your online presence doesn’t paint your business as a cash-strapped fledgling start-up, book in a call here and let’s have a chat.