Your Case Studies Probably Suck

Okay they might not, and you might not even have any, (that’s worse), but from what I’ve seen, there are a load of really bad case studies out there and if this is you, it’s hurting your chance to generate interest and sales. 

The first question to ask is how are you using, or planning to use case studies? 

As part of our B2B Growth Framework, we encourage businesses to integrate them in the following ways: 

  • Into their sales process 
  • On their website (no, not as a PDF!) 
  • Into their SEO strategy 

They’re really important. But only if you do them properly. 

You see, so many of the case studies I see are similar in nature to a lot of the cold outreach I see; they’re vague, waffly, fluffy and fail to pique the interest of the recipient/reader. 

There’s a fundamental skill that most non-professional content creators lack, which is simply, designing for skim readers

This is important because, as we know, people are busy these days. If your marketing and sales efforts focus on CEOs or directors, they’re going to be doubly busy. 

Even if you aren’t, most people are not going to sit and read through endless blocks of text. Case studies, like all content, need to land heavy punches in as little time as possible. 

If you can write something in three sentences, try harder and do it in one. 

For example, when we helped one of our clients (a US IT and cybersecurity firm) revamp all of their case studies, we came up with a bunch of different questions for them to go back to their clients with, to extract a lot more information from them. 

We used this information to piece together a whole range of different quotes and snippets that we wove throughout all of the marketing content and sales outreach scripts. 

We built new case studies that featured two main sections. A short, skim read friendly section and a longer section for those who wanted more detail. 

The short section could be fully absorbed in less than 45 seconds, it included bullet point lists and a summary of all the objectives achieved, such as stronger NIST audit scoring, no more major downtime, fewer IT support tickets, better support etc all in comparison to their old provider. 

Because we designed it as a web page and not a PDF, they also contribute to SEO efforts and don’t have to be downloaded on mobile devices. 

If you’d like to embrace a more modern approach to marketing, just book in a call here and let’s have a chat 🙂