Why Brand Quality & Consistency Matters

“I noticed X and Y, they’re clearly a Z type of company…”

Doubts can surface in the minds of leads and prospects who notice similarities between your company and previous companies they had a bad experience with. 

They’re not always having these internal conversations, or conversations with business partners, consciously. They can manifest as subconscious concerns, worries or anxieties. 

Anything can trigger doubts, like: 

  • Using the same shades of blue as every other tech company 
  • Relying on very garish, low quality stock photography
  • Website, social media and marketing collateral not sharing the same styling 
  • Blogs filled with boring, unhelpful 400-500 word posts 
  • Month or year long gaps between posts
  • Only posting 3-4 times per month  
  • Content or marketing that only talks about services you offer 

And anything else that screams “We didn’t put a lot of thought into this”. 

The problem is simple; there are a shit load of crappy companies out there, who really don’t care about their clients and who consistently let them down. 


93% of brands focus their content on “marketing” their own products and services. MarketingCharts

Whether it’s 93% or 82% is largely irrelevant. 

None of these crappy, can’t-be-arsed companies are investing into branding. Their lives are often chaotic, or their scammy ways are working well enough they don’t need to invest anything more. 

Their standards are always set to “bare minimum”. 

So if you’re also posting boring content that’s all about you and your services, and you’ve chosen not to invest into your brand, leads are going to sense the same “bare minimum” standards as they do with fake experts and con artists. 

We know that most B2B companies have had roughly 1-3 bad experiences with other service providers in the past, so it’s vitally important that you stand out – in a good way.

You need to differentiate. Focus brand efforts on: 

  • Creating a brand (visual) identity that’s very different to competitors 
  • Invest time into profiling your ideal customers (15+ attributes needed) 
  • Document ideal customer’s vitals like pain points, objections and goals 
  • Hyper concise sales language that addresses customer vitals 
  • Evidencing service superiority with publicly displayed company policies
  • Innovating service delivery by using market trends to inform change 
  • Aligning sales call tactics with brand promises and commitments 
  • Coming up with a comprehensive answer to “how are you different to other companies” 

Brand isn’t just the look and feel of branded assets and collateral, it governs the essence of your company and gives you high impact subjects to promote online and raise during sales calls. 

By doing this, you can avoid looking like a company that’s barely invested in their own success, let alone their client’s. 

Need help building your own brand and maintaining consistent, high quality output? Let’s have a chat.