WOWWW Hyper Targeted Sales Messaging

Hyper targeted sales messaging takes your sales outreach to the next level.

Level 9000. 

Let’s look at some examples. 

The “Can’t be Fucked” reachout: 

“Hi, I work for X and we do Y. If you ned help to make monies and grow the business we can help. We can help better than all the rest.” 

You’ve seen ’em. Spelling mistakes, poor grammar, absolutely no effort whatsoever to be professional, interesting or relevant. It’s not printed, so you can’t even use it as emergency bog roll. 

The “Life Story” reachout: 

“Hi, Please allow me to introduce myself and my company. My name is X and we assume that you’ve got nothing to do so we thought we’d send you the world’s longest introduction to us and everything we can do for you, plus some pictures of the office llamas #WeAreSoUnique.

<insert 28 paragraphs of waffle>.”

You lost me at Please.

The “Timid Timmy” reachout: 

Hello, Sorry, I don’t want to bother you or take up too much of your time but I have something you might be interested in. Possibly. 

We can help you with X and Y. If you would please maybe consider booking in a call, that would be awfully swell of you.”

You have the solutions to their problem. You can change their lives and make all the pain go away. Ooze confidence, not fear. 

Here’s what you need to keep in mind: 

  • People don’t love being spammed 
  • 20-30% open rates are standard for email outreach 
  • 85% of people will skim read your first outreach message

Get. To. The. Point. 


And remember, it’s not about you or your services, it’s about them. 

What value can you add to their lives?

Think about: 

  • Talking through how you’ll help solve pain points
  • Combating objections identified in previous sales calls 
  • Reassuring those who have been burned in the past 
  • Being confident about results (not services) you can give them 

This is just a starting point, really, but the more you do this, the more you’ll be able to think outside of the box and create genuinely interesting sales outreach that get positive replies. 

Remember, if you’re still trying to target an entire sector, your outreach messages are going to be received about as well as a knock on the door from your local Jehovahs. 

It won’t work because you can’t tailor outreach and messages to a massive audience – and this is why so many people use horrible, spammy waffle-scripts because they try to be everything to everyone and that’s not possible. 

If you’re still taking the DIY approach with content, or the expert(s) you’ve hired are making these mistakes, let’s have a chat.